He is Bosnian superstar, a famous singer of even more famous band 'The Avlija Boys', Bosnian cover band of the 'Backstreet Boys'. Using skills he learned while touring with the band, he opened a shop where he sell antiquities and souvenirs for all the wealthy tourists who come to Tuzla. He is loved in his block, the Silver Stone City. His favorite song is 'Rivers of Babylon' and he likes to eat dead animals, mostly frogs and lizards. He is Aries, and his favorite color is pink. He refuses to move to Zagreb, claiming the big city life would damage his voice. He was interviewed by Đovanni The Mexican, who has a huge solo show at our gallery tomorrow.
Hi Aorta, how are you feeling on this glorious and promising day?
Unfortunately gastritis hit my stomach and only thing I feel is a PAIN. Helicobacter pylori kills me.
What are you doing at this moment (besides this interview of course)?
Trying to take my crazy dog off me. It is all over me, licking and biting me.
Did you know that you're sharing your name with the largest artery in the body, originating from the left ventricle of the heart and bringing oxygenated blood to all parts of the body in the systemic circulation?
OOOO aorta means all that. All this time I was thinking that is a name of the famous Spanish football player. sometimes I even call myself aortinja becouse of that. :-)
Where could you reccomend me to go have some fun in Tuzla?
"Kod Ismeta Crvlje " the best place to drink rakia and have conversation with realy crazy alcoholics.
Do you have any tips on how could a person grow thicker beard?
Sing christmas song to your beard. Santa does it all time.
You seem like down to earth type of guy, how do you cope with all the media attention, being streetart superstar and all?
Who told you that?
What do you think of Puma's drinking problem and his lack of anger management? Keep on, it is good for health.
Should we get him into alcoholics anonymous and if so, should we use force?
Use an alcohol to get him there. Convice him that after every seance they serve an alcohol.
Did you have any near death experiences?
Once, but it last for 4 years during the war in bosnia. every moment was near death experience.
In the end share some wisdom with some wise words for all the degenerics following our blog...
i love you đovanni
we love aorta! (we can't live without him/it)
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